Bachelor and Master of Science in Law Programs
The Department of Law offers two programs in legal studies:
1. Integrated Master of Science in Law (Integrated Second Cycle Degree Program)
This is a five-year integrated law study program taught in English, equivalent to 300 ECTS, offered by the Department of Law, Faculty of Law, and Social Sciences. Launched in 2009, it is the first program of its kind in Albania and is recognized as one of the nation’s top-ranked law programs. A distinctive aspect of our Integrated Program in Law is the unique blending of knowledge from two globally recognized legal traditions: the Civil Law family, to which our country belongs, and the Common Law family. It comprises a comprehensive academic journey designed to cultivate well-rounded legal professionals. This program is thoroughly crafted to provide students with a solid foundation of legal principles, practical skills, and a global perspective, ensuring their success in the dynamic field of LAW. With a wide array of courses spanning from traditional courses to concentration courses such as Domestic and International Commercial Law, Corporate Governance, Banking Law, Fiscal Law, Penology & Criminology, and EU Enlargement modules, students have the opportunity to explore various legal topics comprehensively.
2. Master of Science in International Commercial Law (ICL)
This is a two-year master's degree program taught in English, equivalent to 120 ECTS. Initially validated in 2009 in collaboration with the University of Greenwich, the program underwent reorganization in 2020. The ICL program has a strong international and comparative approach, focusing on EU international legal issues within the broader context of international law and Albania’s integration into the EU. This master’s program is well-suited for aspirational professionals or bachelor graduates seeking an excellent international education in Albania. The primary purpose of this program is to offer postgraduate students an opportunity to explore and study the established and rapidly developing areas of International Commercial Law by taking both an academic and professional approach to the subject. The program has solid international and comparative proceedings, covering mainly the EU and other multinational legal aspects within the frame of an emerging global legal framework. The ICL program comprises eight taught core courses and three elective courses, which can be chosen from: Arbitration Law, Intellectual Property Law, European Union Law, Consumer Law, International Trade Law, Domestic and International Commercial Law. Additionally, the program includes a Graduation Seminar, an internship course, and a significant research component involving a dissertation.
Admission Requirements
MSc in Law (Second Cycle Integrated Study Program)
The key requirements for applicants to be accepted to the five-year Second Cycle Integrated Study Programme in Law are:
Master of Science in International Commercial Law (ICL)
The key requirements for applicants to be accepted in the MSc Programme (ICL) are:
Learning Outcomes
These programs provide students with an opportunity to be part of innovative programs that combine both theory and practice of domestic and international law, including international commercial law, enabling students to experience law and reflect on developments conditioned by globalization and Albania’s adherence in inter-state structures. Studying Law and ICL at UNYT shall engage students to build such qualities as are deemed necessary in the modern legal setting in Albania and beyond, producing conscious and mindful legal professionals with critical, analytical, and synthesizing skills coupled with significant practical / hands-on experience. Upon successful completion of this program students are expected to have acquired the following:
Knowledge Outcomes:
Skills Outcomes:
Graduation Requirements
To obtain the Master of Science in Law degree a student has to:
To obtain the Master of Science in International Commercial Law degree a student has to:
Occupational Opportunities
Students graduating from both programs have a wide range of possible career opportunities. In the near future, they are expected to pursue professions encompassing among others, the following sectors:
Access to Further Studies
Upon completion of the Master of Science in both Law and International Commercial Law (ICL), graduates are well-prepared for a variety of academic pursuits. Potential avenues for further studies include Doctoral Studies (Ph.D. or SJD) in Law, Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Executive Master Programs in different profiles and specialized legal fields.
Degree Program for the 5-year Integrated Master of Science in Law
First-year/ First Semester | |||
1 | ENG 101 | Composition I / Shkrim Akademik I | 6 |
2 | CS 102 | Computer Applications / Aplikime Kompjuterike | 6 |
3 | LAW 101 | Roman Law / E Drejtë Romake | 5 |
4 | LAW 102 | Public Law / E Drejtë Publike | 5 |
5 | LAW 103 | History of Legal Institutions / Historia e Institucioneve | 4 |
6 | Elective at the University level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti | 4 | |
First-year/ Second Semester | |||
7 | ENG 102 | Composition II / Shkrim Akademik II | 6 |
8 | IR 102 | Introduction to Sociology / Hyrje në Sociologji | 6 |
9 | HIST 101 | History of the Albanian State / Historia e Shtetit dhe së Drejtës në Shqipëri | 6 |
10 | LAW 106 | Philosophy of Law / Filozofia e së Drejtës | 8 |
11 | Elective Course at University Level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti | 4 | |
Second Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | LAW 201 | Constitutional Law / E Drejtë Kushtetuese | 6 |
2 | LAW 202 | Civil Law I / E Drejtë Civile I | 6 |
3 | LAW 203 | Criminal Law I / E Drejtë Penale I | 6 |
4 | LAW 204 | Legal Writing / Shkrim Ligjor | 6 |
5 | LAW 220 | Law, Politics, and Religion / E Drejta, Politika dhe Feja | 6 |
Second Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | LAW 207 | Civil Law II / E Drejtë Civile II | 6 |
7 | LAW 208 | Criminal Law II / E Drejtë Penale II | 6 |
8 | LAW 209 | Anthropology of Justice / Antropologji e së Drejtës | 6 |
9 | LAW 210 | Legal Process and Techniques / Teknike Legjislative | 6 |
10 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 6 | |
Third Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | LAW 301 | Law of Obligations I / E Drejtë e Detyrimeve dhe Kontratave I | 8 |
2 | LAW 302 | Administrative Law / E Drejtë Administrative | 6 |
3 | LAW 303 | European Union Law / E Drejtë e Bashkimit Europian | 6 |
4 | LAW 304 | Business Law / E Drejtë Biznesi | 6 |
5 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 4 | |
Third Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | LAW 306 | Law of Obligations II / E Drejtë e Detyrimeve dhe Kontratave II | 8 |
7 | LAW 307 | Administrative Procedures / Procedurë Administrative | 6 |
8 | LAW 308 | Labor Law / E Drejtë e Punës | 6 |
9 | LAW 309 | Family Law / E Drejtë Familjare | 6 |
10 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 4 | |
Fourth Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | LAW 401 | Public International Law / E Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Publike | 8 |
2 | LAW 402 | Civil Procedure I / Procedurë Civile I | 6 |
3 | LAW 403 | Criminal Procedure I / Procedurë Penale I | 6 |
4 | LAW 404 | Fiscal Law / E Drejtë Fiskale | 6 |
5 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 4 | |
Fourth Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | LAW 406 | Private International Law / E Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Private | 8 |
7 | LAW 407 | Civil Procedure II / Procedurë Civile II | 6 |
8 | LAW 408 | Criminal Procedure II / Procedurë Penale II | 6 |
9 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 6 | |
10 | INT 499 | Internship / Praktikë | 4 |
Fifth Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | LAW 501 | Human Rights Law / Të Drejtat e Njeriut | 6 |
2 | LAW 502 | Intellectual Property Law / E Drejtë e Pronësisë Intelektuale | 6 |
3 | LAW 503 | Arbitration Law / E Drejtë Arbitrazhi | 6 |
4 | LAW 504 | Corporate Governance / Qeverisja e Korporatave | 4 |
5 | RM 533 | Advanced Research Methods / Metoda të Kërkimit Shkencor të Avancuara | 8 |
Fifth Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | LAW 506 | Bankruptcy Law / E Drejta e Falimentimit | 6 |
7 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 6 | |
8 | Elective Course at Faculty/department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 6 | |
9 | GP 598 | Graduation Project (Dissertation) / Teza e Diplomës | 12 |
Elective Courses at the Department/Faculty Level
1 | LAW 206 | Comparative Constitutional Law / E Drejtë Kushtetuese e Krahasuar | 6 |
2 | LAW 320 | Migration Law / E Drejta e Migracionit | 4 |
3 | LAW 321 | Competition Law / E Drejta e Konkurrencës | 4 |
4 | LAW 322 | EU Impact into Albanian Legal System / Impakti i BE në Legjislacionin Shqiptar | 4 |
5 | LAW 323 | Legal Issues in Business Environments / Mjedisi Ligjor i Biznesit | 6 |
6 | LAW 310 | Legal Clinic / Klinika e Ligjit | 4 |
7 | LAW 421 | International Trade Law / E Drejta e Tregtisë Ndërkombëtare | 4 |
8 | LAW 422 | Tort Law / E Drejta e Detyrimeve Jashtëkontraktore | 6 |
9 | LAW 423 | Albanian Business and Labour Law / E Drejta Shqiptare e Biznesit dhe e Punës | 6 |
10 | LAW 520 | Penology and Criminology / Penalogji dhe Kriminologji | 4 |
11 | LAW 521 | Juvenile Justice / E Drejta Penale Për të Mitur | 4 |
12 | LAW 522 | Consumer Law / E Drejta e Konsumatorit | 6 |
13 | LAW 524 | Banking Law / E Drejtë Bankare | 6 |
14 | LAW 525 | State Audit Law / E Drejta e Auditimit Shtetëror | 6 |
15 | LAW 526 | International Humanitarian Law / E Drejta Humanitare Ndërkombëtare | 6 |
16 | LAW 527 | Cyber Security / Krimi Kibernetik | 6 |
17 | HIST 102 | World History I / Historia e Botës I | 6 |
18 | HIST 201 | Eastern Empires / Perandoritë e Lindjes | 6 |
19 | STAT 201 | Statistics I / Statistikë I | 6 |
20 | POL 201 | Introduction to Political Sciences / Hyrje në Shkencat Politike | 6 |
21 | PSY 206 | Psychology of Work / Psikologjia e Punës | 6 |
22 | IR 333 | Cultural Studies / Studime Kulturore | 6 |
23 | POL 320 | EU Health Issues / Çështje Shëndetësore në BE | 6 |
Elective Courses at the University Level
1 | ALB 131 | Albanian Language I / Gjuhë Shqipe I | 4 |
2 | ALB 132 | Albanian Language II / Gjuhë Shqipe II | 4 |
3 | TUR 131 | Turkish Language I / Gjuhë Turke I | 4 |
4 | TUR 132 | Turkish Language II / Gjuhë Turke II | 4 |
5 | ART 201 | Photography / Fotografi | 4 |
6 | ART 202 | History of Art / Histori Arti | 4 |
7 | IR 222 | Islamic World / Bota Islame | 4 |
8 | IR 335 | EU and Balkan Studies / Studime të Bashkimit Europian dhe Ballkanike | 4 |
9 | BIO 333 | Human Nutrition / Të Ushqyerit e Njeriut | 4 |
10 | BIO 334 | Biology Today / Biologji | 4 |
11 | BIO 335 | Contemporary Health Issues / Çështje Bashkëkohore të Shëndetit | 4 |
12 | BI 302 | Project Management in Information Technology / Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit | 4 |
13 | PSY 310 | Developmental Psychology, Advancement / Psikologji Zhvillimi e Avancuar | 4 |
14 | PSY 401 | Psychology of Gender / Psikologji Gjinore | 4 |
Degree Program in Master of Science in International Commercial Law
1 | RM 533 | Advanced Research Methods / Metoda të Avancuara të Kërkimit Shkencor | 8 |
2 | LAW 400 | Principles of International Commercial Law / Parimet e së Drejtës Ndërkombëtare Tregtare | 8 |
3 | LAW 506 | Bankruptcy Law / E Drejta e Falimentimit | 8 |
4 | LAW 401 | Public International Law / E Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Publike | 8 |
5 | LAW 404 | Fiscal Law / E Drejtë Fiskale | 6 |
6 | LAW 523 | Corporate Governance / Qeverisja e Korporatave | 8 |
7 | Elective Course in Faculty/Department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Departamenti/Fakulteti | 6 | |
8 | LAW 524 | Banking Law / E Drejtë Bankare | 8 |
9 | LAW 406 | Private International Law / E Drejtë Ndërkombëtare Private | 8 |
10 | Elective Course in Faculty/Department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 6 | |
11 | Elective Course in Faculty/Department level / Lëndë me Zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti/Departamenti | 6 | |
12 | INT 499 | Internship / Praktikë | 12 |
13 | GS 499 | Graduate Seminar / Seminari i Diplomimit | 10 |
14 | GP 599 | Graduation Project (Dissertation) / Teza e Diplomës | 18 |
Elective Courses for MSc in International Commercial Law
1 | LAW 421 | International Trade Law / E Drejtë e Tregtisë Ndërkombëtare | 6 |
2 | LAW 303 | European Union Law / E Drejtë e Bashkimit Europian | 6 |
3 | LAW 503 | Arbitration Law / E Drejtë Arbitrazhi | 6 |
4 | LAW 522 | Consumer Law / E Drejta e Konsumatorit | 6 |
5 | LAW 502 | Intellectual Property Law / E Drejtë e Pronësisë Intelektuale | 6 |
Contact Person
For further information, please contact:
Eda Gemi
Email: [email protected]