Bachelor of Business Informatics
Bachelor in “Business Informatics” is a 3-year program with 180 ECTS. It is offered by the Business Informatics and e-Business Department, at the Faculty of Economy and Business. The curriculum designed for the Bachelor in Business Informatics was approved by the Order no. 138, dt. 03.07.2020 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. It is accredited by the Order No. 43, date 13.01.2024 of the Board of Accreditation at ASCAL. The Bachelor of Business Informatics program aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and experience to help them apply information systems, modern information, and communication technologies (ICTs) to business and decision-making needs.
Admission Requirements
The application process to apply for the bachelor programs of UNYT is made possible through the U-Albania Portal on the pre-defined dates from the Ministry of Education. For every enrolment period, UNYT adds a customized calendar from U-Albania with the dates for each process. This is usually public in April.
UNYT Admission Criteria
International Students Admissions
Application and Document Details
Learning Outcomes
The general outcomes of this program will be the knowledge and skills that students will possess after graduation of the study program in Business Informatics:
Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the First Cycle Program (Bachelor), the student must:
Issuance of Diploma
To issue a diploma, the student must:
Occupational Opportunities
The Bachelor of Business Informatics program will prepare students for employment in all areas of the digital economy, contributing to the information systems integral to our daily lives. This program focuses on building expertise in using information systems to meet business needs, aiming to create professionals ready for the next decade of information technology. Graduates of the Bachelor of Business Informatics program will have a wide range of career opportunities, including but not limited to:
Access to Further Studies
Graduates of the Bachelor of Business Informatics program will have access to further studies in advanced degree programs, such as a Master’s in Business Informatics, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field. These advanced programs can deepen their expertise and open opportunities for higher-level positions in academia, research, and specialized industry roles. Additionally, graduates may pursue certifications in specific technologies or methodologies, further enhancing their career prospects and professional development, such as:
Degree Program for the Local Three Years Bachelor Program in “Business Informatics”
First-year/ First Semester | |||
1 | MNG 101 | Bazat e Menaxhimit - Principles of Management | 8 |
2 | CS 102 | Aplikime Kompjuterike – Computer Applications | 6 |
3 | MATH 101 | Kalkulus I – Calculus I | 6 |
4 | ENG 101 | Shkrim Akademik I – Composition I | 6 |
5 | Gjuhë e Huaj I – Foreign Language I | 4 | |
First-year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | CS 104 | Hyrje në Programim – Introduction to Programming | 8 |
7 | ECON 101 | Mikroekonomi I – Introduction to Microeconomics | 6 |
8 | CS 103 | Hyrje në Shkenca dhe Inxhinieri Kompjuterike – Intro to Computer Science and Engineering | 6 |
9 | ENG 102 | Shkrim Akademik II – Composition II | 6 |
10 | Gjuhë e Huaj II - Foreign Language II | 4 | |
Second Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | CS 201 | Programimi i Orientuar nga Objektet me Java- Object Oriented Programming with Java | 6 |
2 | STAT 201 | Statistikë I – Statistics I | 6 |
3 | CS 203 | Sistemet e Bazave të të Dhënave – Database Systems | 6 |
4 | ECON 201 | Makroekonomi I- Intro to Macroeconomics | 6 |
5 | MRKT 201 | Bazat e Marketingut – Principles of Marketing | 6 |
Second Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | ACCT 101 | Kontabilitet Financiar – Financial Accounting | 8 |
7 | STAT 202 | Statistikë II – Statistics II | 6 |
8 | BI 201 | Sisteme Informacioni të Menaxhimit – Management Information Systems | 6 |
9 | CS 207 | Analiza dhe Projektimi i Sistemeve- System Analysis and Design | 6 |
10 | Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti/ University Electives | 4 | |
Third Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | CS 303 | Komunikimi i të Dhënave dhe Rrjetat - Data Communications and Networking | 6 |
2 | ACCT 201 | Kontabilitet Drejtimi – Managerial Accounting | 6 |
3 | RMAS 333 | Metodat Kërkimore në Shkencat e Aplikuara – Research Methods in Applied Sciences | 6 |
4 | Lëndë me Zgjedhje / Elective | 6 | |
5 | Lëndë me Zgjedhje / Elective | 6 | |
Third Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | INT 299 | Internship | 4 |
7 | MNG 302 | Menaxhim Projekti në Biznes - Project Management in Business | 6 |
8 | Lëndë me Zgjedhje / Elective | 6 | |
9 | EBUS 306 | Analitikë Biznesi – Business Analytics | 6 |
10 | GP 399 | Teza e Diplomës – Graduation Project | 8 |
Elective Courses / Lende me zgjedhje
1 | BI 301 | Sisteme Informacioni të Biznesit - Business Information System | 6 |
2 | SE 201 | Programimi në C# - Programming in C# | 6 |
3 | BUSN 302 | Etika e Biznesit - Business Ethics | 6 |
4 | MNG 301 | Menaxhimi i Burimeve Njerëzore - Human Resources Management | 6 |
5 | BUSN 401 | Lidershipi - Leadership | 6 |
6 | MNG 304 | Menaxhimi i Operacioneve - Operations Management | 6 |
7 | BUSN 301 | Drejtimi i Biznesit të Vogël – Small Business Management | 6 |
8 | CS 302 | Zhvillimi i Sistemeve Ueb - Web System Development | 6 |
9 | SE 301 | Inxhinieri Software - Software Engineering | 8 |
10 | eBUS 301 | Big Data dhe Marketingu Digjital- Big Data and Digital Marketing | 6 |
11 | CS 305 | Java e Avancuar - Advanced Java | 6 |
12 | CS 309 | Administrim dhe Menaxhimi i Rrjetave - Network Administration and Management | 6 |
13 | CS 208 | Strukturë të Dhënash - Data Structure | 6 |
14 | SE 210 | Inteligjencë Artificiale - Artificial Intelligence | 6 |
15 | IR 334 | Marredhenie me Publikun – Public Relations | 6 |
16 | eBUS 304 | e-Commerce / Tregtia Elektronike | 6 |
Elective Courses at the University Level
1 | ALB 131 | Albanian Language I | 4 |
2 | TUR 131 | Turkish Language I | 4 |
3 | ALB 132 | Albanian Language II | 4 |
4 | TUR 132 | Turkish Language II | 4 |
5 | ART 201 | Photography | 4 |
6 | ART 202 | Art History | 4 |
7 | IR 222 | Islamic World | 4 |
8 | IR 334 | EU Studies | 4 |
9 | BIO 333 | Human Nutrition | 4 |
10 | BIO 334 | Biology | 4 |
11 | BIO 335 | Contemporary Health Problems | 4 |
12 | LAW 321 | Competition Law | 4 |
13 | BI 302 | Project Management in Information Technology | 4 |
14 | PSY 310 | Advanced Developmental Psychology | 4 |
15 | PSY 401 | Psychology of Gender | 4 |
Contact Person
For further information, please contact:
Eriona Shtembari
Email: [email protected]
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