Applied Banking and Finance
The Bachelor Program Applied Banking and Finance at UNYT has a duration of 3 years and is offered by the Department of Economics and Finance, part of the Faculty of Economy and Business. The purpose of this program is to create knowledge, and at the same time enable their application in the banking industry and to prepare specialized and qualified staff to be able to cover the banking activity efficiently and correctly. Students graduating from this program will serve the banking industry at all service levels: bank branch network, wholesale and retail credit, marketing, risk management, accounting and reporting, auditing, and operations.
Admission Requirements
The application process to apply for the bachelor programs of UNYT is made possible through the U-Albania Portal on the pre-defined dates from the Ministry of Education. For every enrolment period, UNYT adds a customized calendar from U-Albania with the dates for each process. This is usually public in April.
UNYT Admission Criteria:
Learning Outcomes
The UNYT’s bachelor’s in Applied Banking and Finance program is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, intelligence, and experience that help graduates successfully enter the world of banking. Upon completion of this program, the student will have:
Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the First Cycle Program (Bachelor), the student must:
Occupational Opportunities
In the financial sector, there is a growing need for well-trained talent able to make clear financial analyses. Further, the future of finance must include professionals who have a firm grasp on the impact their decisions have upon society. Graduates of the UNYT in Applied Banking and Finance will have the opportunity to work in several different institutions and sectors including commercial banks, the Central Bank of Albania, multinational financial institutions, financial market regulators, consultancy firms, research institutes, and government ministries.
Access to Further Studies
A graduate in Applied Banking and Finance can seek postgraduate programs in the same and other related fields, to further deepen his/her knowledge. Additionally, they can pursue a postgraduate program in similar business fields like business administration, finance, accounting, economics, or other social sciences related to their undergraduate studies such as international business. Besides master’s degrees, the banking and finance profession has numerous certifications one can pursue. Professional certifications can increase earning potential, achieve promotions, and provide qualification for higher positions.
Some finance certifications are as below:
Degree Program for the Local Three Years Bachelor Program in “Applied Banking and Finance”
First-year / First Semester | ||||||
Kodi | Lënda | Lënda | Kategoria | Oret javore | Kreditet (ECTS) | |
MNG 101 | Principles of Management | Bazat e Menaxhimit | A | 2+1 | 8 | |
CS 102 | Computer Applications | Aplikime Kompjuterike | D | 2+1 | 6 | |
MATH 101 | Calculus I | Kalkulus I | A | 2+2 | 6 | |
ENG 101 | Composition I | Shkrim Akademik I | C | 2+1 | 6 | |
Foreign language I | Gjuhe e Huaj I | D | 2+0 | 4 | ||
KREDITE | 30 | |||||
First-year / Second Semester | ||||||
ACCT 101 | Financial Accounting | Kontabilitet Financiar | A | 2+1 | 8 | |
ECON 101 | Introduction to Microeconomics | Mikroekonomi I | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
MATH 202 | Mathematics for Finance | Matematikë për Financën | C | 2+1 | 6 | |
ABF 101 | Introduction to Finance and Financial Systems | Hyrje ne Finance dhe Sisteme Financiare | A | 2+1 | 6 | |
Foreign language II | Gjuhe e Huaj II | D | 2+0 | 4 | ||
KREDITE | 30 | |||||
Second Year / First Semester | ||||||
STAT 201 | Statistics I | Statistikë I | A | 2+1 | 6 | |
ECON 201 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | Makroekonomi I | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
ACCT 201 | Managerial Accounting | Kontabilitet Drejtimi | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
FIN 101 | Financial Management | Drejtim Financiar | B | 2+2 | 6 | |
Elective course at Department or Faculty level | Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Departamenti ose Fakulteti | C | 2+1 | 6 | ||
KREDITE | 30 | |||||
Second Year / Second Semester | ||||||
STAT 202 | Statistics II | Statistika II | A | 2+2 | 6 | |
ABF 202 | Financial Securities and Bank Products | Produkte Financiare dhe Bankare | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
ABF 203 | Bank Management | Menaxhim Bankar | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
ABF 204 | Bank Accounting and Reporting | Kontabiliteti dhe Raportimi Bankar | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
ABF 205 | Human Resources Management | Menaxhim i Burimeve Njerëzore | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
KREDITE | 30 | |||||
Third Year / First Semester | ||||||
ECON 302 | Econometrics | Ekonometri | B | 2+2 | 6 | |
ABF 302 | Customer Relationship Management | Menaxhimi i Marrëdhenieve me Klientët | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
ABF 303 | Credit Rating and Management | Vlerësimi dhe Menaxhimi i Kredisë | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
ABF 304 | Bank Auditing | Auditimi Bankar | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
FIN 302 | International Finance | Financë Ndërkombëtare | B | 2+2 | 6 | |
KREDITE | 30 | |||||
Third Year / Second Semester | ||||||
INT 299 | Internship | Praktike Mesimore | D | 2+0 | 4 | |
RMAS 333 | Research Methods in Applied Sciences | Metodat Kërkimore në Shkencat e Aplikuara | C | 2+2 | 6 | |
ABF 301 | Bank Simulation | Simulimi Bankar | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
FIN 304 | Applied Corporate Finance | Financë e Aplikuar Korporatash | B | 2+1 | 6 | |
GP 399 | Graduation / Senior Project | Teza e Diplomes | E | 1+0 | 8 | |
KREDITE | 30 | |||||
Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Fakulteti dhe Departamenti / Electives Faculty/Department level
Nr. | Kodi | Emri i kursit | Orët javore | Kreditet ECTS |
1. | FIN 322 | Risk Management and Insurance / Menaxhim i Riskut dhe Sigurimeve | 2+2 | 6 |
2. | ACCT 321 | Advanced Financial Reporting / Raportim Financiar i Avancuar | 2+1 | 6 |
3. | ACCT 322 | Accounting Ethics / Etika në Kontabilitet | 2+1 | 6 |
4. | MRKT 201 | Principles of Marketing | 2+1 | 6 |
5. | eBUS 305 | eBusiness Web Technologies / Teknologjitë Ueb në Biznesin Elektronik | 2+1 | 6 |
6. | BI 301 | Business Information Systems / Sisteme Informacioni të Biznesit | 2+1 | 6 |
7. | MNG 305 | International Management / Menaxhim Ndërkombëtar | 2+1 | 6 |
8. | MRKT 304 | International Marketing / Marketing Ndërkombëtar | 2+2 | 6 |
9. | MNG 306 | Cultural Heritage Management / Menaxhimi i Trashëgimisë Kulturore | 2+1 | 6 |
10. | MRKT 401 | Marketing Communications / Komunikim i Integruar Marketing | 2+2 | 6 |
11. | BUSN 401 | Leadership / Lidershipi | 2+2 | 6 |
12. | ENG 401 | Advanced Business English | 2+1 | 6 |
13. | LAW 423 | Albanian Business and Labor Law | 2+1 | 6 |
14. | ECON 204 | Social and Economic Development / Zhvillimi Social dhe Ekonomik | 2+1 | 6 |
15. | ECON 202 | Economics of EU | 2+1 | 6 |
16. | eBUS 301 | Big Data dhe Marketingu Digjital- Big Data and Digital Marketing | 2+1 | 6 |
17. | eBUS 306 | Business Analytics | 2+1 | 6 |
18. | IR 334 | Marredhenie me Publikun – Public Relations | 2+1 | 6 |
19. | eBUS 304 | e-Commerce / Tregtia elektronike | 2+2 | 6 |
Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti
Nr. | Kodi | Emri Kursit | Orët Javore | ECTS |
1. | ALB 131 | Albanian Language I / Gjuhë Shqipe I | 2+0 | 4 |
2. | TUR 131 | Turkish Language I / Gjuhë Turke I | 2+0 | 4 |
3. | ALB 132 | Albanian Language II / Gjuhë Shqipe II | 2+0 | 4 |
4. | TUR 132 | Turkish Language II / Gjuhë Turke II | 2+0 | 4 |
5. | ART 201 | Photography / Fotografi | 2+1 | 4 |
6. | ART 202 | Art History / Histori Arti | 2+1 | 4 |
7. | IR 222 | Islamic World / Bota Islame | 2+1 | 4 |
8. | IR 334 | EU Studies / Studime te Bashkimit Europian dhe Ballkanit | 2+0 | 4 |
9. | BIO 333 | Human Nutrition / Te ushqyerit e Njeriut | 2+1 | 4 |
10. | BIO 334 | Biology / Biologji | 2+1 | 4 |
11. | BIO 335 | Contemporary Health Problems / Çeshtje Bashkekohore Të Shëndetit | 2+1 | 4 |
12. | LAW 321 | Competition Law / E Drejta e Konkurrencës | 2+0 | 4 |
13. | BI 302 | Project Management in Information Technology / Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit | 2+1 | 4 |
Contact Person
For further information, please contact:
Eriona Shtembari
Email: [email protected]
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