UNYT was honored to welcome in its main campus premises the highly proclaimed Dr. Sanford “Sandy” Shugart, President Emeritus of Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, Senior Fellow with the Aspen Institute, Chairman of Orlando Health, and also contributing scholar and board member of the Quo Vadis Institute.
The University’s Mission to Develop Leaders: A Counter-Cultural View” | Dr. Sanford “Sandy” Shugart
The University’s Mission to Develop Leaders: A Counter-Cultural View” | Dr. Sanf
UNYT was honored to welcome in its main campus premises the highly proclaimed Dr. Sanford “Sandy” Shugart, President Emeritus of Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, Senior Fellow with the A UNYT was honored to welcome in its main campus premises the highly proclaimed Dr. Sanford “Sandy” Shugart, President Emeritus of Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, Senior Fellow with the A 2023-11-22T18:14:56+01:00 2023-11-22T18:16:22+01:00<div class=blogContent>UNYT was honored to welcome in its main campus premises the highly proclaimed Dr. Sanford “Sandy” Shugart, President Emeritus of Valencia College in Orlando, Florida, Senior Fellow with the Aspen Institute, Chairman of Orlando Health, and also contributing scholar and board member of the Quo Vadis Institute. </div>
Klajdi Hamzallari