UNYT Head of Department of Law, Assoc. Prof. Eda Gemi, with the assistance of the ICL Student Ejona Kaziu , presented the Challenges of Migration in the framework of the main topic by touching upon the new methodology of EU Integration and the migration phenomenon in Albania.
The Role of the Parliament in the European Integration of Albania,” | Assoc. Prof. Eda Gemi
The Role of the Parliament in the European Integration of Albania,” | Assoc. Pro
UNYT Head of Department of Law, Assoc. Prof. Eda Gemi, with the assistance of the ICL Student Ejona Kaziu , presented the Challenges of Migration in the framework of the main topic by touchin UNYT Head of Department of Law, Assoc. Prof. Eda Gemi, with the assistance of the ICL Student Ejona Kaziu , presented the Challenges of Migration in the framework of the main topic by touchin 2023-11-22T18:04:40+01:00 2023-11-22T18:05:46+01:00<div class=blogContent>UNYT Head of Department of Law, Assoc. Prof. Eda Gemi, with the assistance of the ICL Student Ejona Kaziu , presented the Challenges of Migration in the framework of the main topic by touching upon the new methodology of EU Integration and the migration phenomenon in Albania. </div>
Klajdi Hamzallari