UNYT was honored to host Dr. Emir Hadzikadunic , a distinguished visiting scholar from the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, as our esteemed speaker. Dr. Hadzikadunic captivated the audience with his insightful talk on “New American ‘Software’ for the Balkan Region?
New American ‘Software’ for the Balkan Region? | Academic Seminar by Dr. Emir Hadzikadunic
New American ‘Software’ for the Balkan Region? | Academic Seminar by Dr. Emir Ha
UNYT was honored to host Dr. Emir Hadzikadunic , a distinguished visiting scholar from the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, as our esteemed speaker. Dr. Hadzikadunic c UNYT was honored to host Dr. Emir Hadzikadunic , a distinguished visiting scholar from the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, as our esteemed speaker. Dr. Hadzikadunic c 2023-11-22T16:55:46+01:00 2023-11-22T16:56:46+01:00<div class=blogContent>UNYT was honored to host Dr. Emir Hadzikadunic , a distinguished visiting scholar from the University of Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, as our esteemed speaker. Dr. Hadzikadunic captivated the audience with his insightful talk on “New American ‘Software’ for the Balkan Region? </div>
Klajdi Hamzallari