Rector Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdemir and the Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Ilir Kalemaj represented UNYT in the International Conference “Dialogue and Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea & Balkan Region,” jointly organized by the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) and Balkan Universities Association (BUA) at the University of Bucharest, Romania.
Dialogue and Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea & Balkan Region” | International Conference
Dialogue and Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea & Balkan Region” | Internatio
Rector Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdemir and the Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Ilir Kalemaj represented UNYT in the International Conference “Dialogue and Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea & Balkan Regi Rector Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdemir and the Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Ilir Kalemaj represented UNYT in the International Conference “Dialogue and Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea & Balkan Regi 2023-11-22T17:18:24+01:00 2023-11-22T17:19:20+01:00<div class=blogContent>Rector Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdemir and the Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Ilir Kalemaj represented UNYT in the International Conference “Dialogue and Economic Cooperation in the Black Sea & Balkan Region,” jointly organized by the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) and Balkan Universities Association (BUA) at the University of Bucharest, Romania. </div>
Klajdi Hamzallari