Bachelor of Psychology
The Bachelor Program in Psychology spans a three-year duration and is offered by the Department of Psychology and Education within the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. The program's objective is to equip students with comprehensive knowledge, skills, and practical experience across various domains of Psychology, encompassing human development, social and cognitive psychology, abnormal and clinical psychology, as well as personality and psychological testing in a research-oriented approach. Taught in English, the program boasts an outstanding teaching faculty comprising accomplished academicians who not only serve as educators but also share their insights from their professional experiences as licensed psychologists.
Admission Requirements
a. All students shall be accepted according to the criteria determined by the Law on Higher Education, bylaws and additional University Criteria.
b. Admission to the study program is possible for any candidate who has successfully completed the Secondary Education and meets the average grade criterion set annually by the Council of Ministers decision in accordance with Article 74 of Law no. 80/2015 on 'Higher Education'.
c. Foreign students are obliged to follow diploma recognition and equivalency procedures as per bylaws.
d. The enrolment application shall be submitted at the Student Affairs Office during the terms determined by the Ministry.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of the program, students shall be able to:
Skills Outcomes:
Graduation Requirements
In order to Graduate from First Cycle Program (Bachelor), student must:
Diploma issuing:
Occupational Opportunities
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Psychology program possess interdisciplinary skills and knowledge that enable them to pursue various career opportunities. Graduates can find employment as human resource specialists, educators, public administrators, or researchers. To practice as psychologists under the supervision of the Institution of the Order of Psychologists in Albania, individuals are required to complete a Master of Science program and undergo the necessary practice and examination procedures.
Access to Further Studies
All undergraduates can pursue further studies at the Master's level in various specializations of Psychology. Some have opted for the Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Psychotherapy, etc.
Degree Program for the Local Three Years Bachelor Program in “Psychology”
First-year/ First Semester | |||
1 | BIO 101 | Human Biology (Biologji Humane) | 6 |
2 | CS 102 | Computer Applications (Aplikime Kompjuterike) | 6 |
3 | PSY 101 | General Psychology (Psikologji e Përgjithshme) | 8 |
4 | ENG 101 | Composition I – (Shkrim Akademik I) | 6 |
5 | Elective course at the University level | 4 | |
First-year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | PSY 203 | Psychology of Infancy and Childhood (Psikologjia e Foshnjërisë dhe Fëmijërisë) | 6 |
7 | PSY 207 | History and Systems of Psychology (Historia e Sistemet e Psikologjisë) | 8 |
8 | ENG 102 | Composition II – (Shkrim Akademik II) | 6 |
9 | IR 102 | Introduction to Sociology (Hyrje në Sociologji) | 6 |
10 | Elective course at the University level | 4 | |
Second Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | PSY 201 | Abnormal Psychology (Psikologji Anormale) | 6 |
2 | STAT 201 | Statistics (Statistikë) | 6 |
3 | PSY 202 | Brain and Behaviour (Truri dhe Sjellja) | 6 |
4 | PSY 205 | Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood (Psikologjia e Adoleshencës dhe Moshës së Rritur) | 6 |
5 | PSY 102/PSY 304 | Elective course in Department level (Intro to Learning and Cognition/Forensic Psychology) | 6 |
Second Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | PSY 204 | Theories of Personality (Teoritë e Personalitetit) | 6 |
7 | RMSS 333 | Research Methods in Social Sciences (Metodat e Kërkimit në Shkencat Sociale) | 6 |
8 | PSY 206 | Psychology of Work (Psikologjia e Punës) | 6 |
9 | PSY 301 | Social Psychology (Psikologji Sociale) | 6 |
10 | PSY 306 | Clinical Psychology (Psikologjia Klinike) | 6 |
Third Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | Elective course at the university level | 4 | |
2 | PSY 302 | Educational Psychology: Advanced (Psikologji Edukimi e Avancuar) | 6 |
3 | PSY 303 | Counselling Theories (Teoritë e Këshillimit) | 6 |
4 | PSY 308 | Psychological Measurement (Matja Psikologjike) | 8 |
5 | PSY 305 | Health Psychology (Psikologji Shëndeti) | 6 |
Third Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | INT 299 | Internship (Praktike) | 4 |
7 | PSY 306 | Ethical Issues in Psychology | 6 |
8 | PSY 307 | Cognitive Psychology (Psikologji Konjitive) | 6 |
9 | PSY 309 | Cultural Psychology (Psikologji Kulture) | 6 |
10 | GP 399 | Graduation Project (Teza e Diplomës) | 8 |
Elective Courses at Department /Faculty Level
1 | IR 101 | Intro to Massmedia and Communication/Hyrje në Masmedia e Komunikim | 6 |
2 | IR 202 | Balkan Studies/Studime Ballkanike | 6 |
3 | IR 333 | Cultural Studies/Studime Kulturore | 6 |
4 | LAW 202 | The Law, Politics and Religion/E Drejta, Politika dhe Feja | 6 |
5 | POL302 | EU Health Issues/Çështje Shëndetësore në BE | 6 |
6 | PSY 310 | Developmental Psychology/Psikologjia e Zhvillimit | 6 |
7 | PSY 311 | Addiction/Varësia | 6 |
8 | PSY 401 | Gender Psychology/Psikologjia Gjinore | 6 |
9 | PSY 402 | Age Psychology/Psikologjia e Moshës | 6 |
10 | POL 201 | Intro to Political Sciences/Hyrje në Shkencat Politike | 6 |
11 | IR 201 | Intro to International Relations/Hyrje në Marrëdhëniet Ndërkombëtare | 6 |
12 | PSY 304 | Forensic Psychology/Psikologjia Ligjore | 6 |
13 | PSY 102 | Intro to Learning and Cognition/Hyrje në të nxënë dhe kognicion | 6 |
Elective Courses at the University Level
1 | ALB 131 | Albanian Language I/ Gjuhë Shqipe I | 4 |
2 | TUR 131 | Turkish Language I/Gjuhë Turke I | 4 |
3 | ALB 132 | Albanian Language II/ Gjuhë Shqipe II | 4 |
4 | TUR 132 | Turkish Language II/ Gjuhë Turke II | 4 |
5 | BIO 335 | Contemporary Health issues/Çështje Bashkëkohore të Shëndetit | 4 |
6 | BIO 334 | Biology/Biologji | 4 |
7 | BIO 333 | Human Nutrition/Të ushqyerit Njerëzor | 4 |
8 | LIT 333 | Classical and Contemporary Literature/Letërsi Klasike dhe Bashkëkohore | 4 |
9 | LIT 334 | Great Books/Libra te Medhenj | 4 |
10 | LAW 321 | The right of Competition/E Drejta e Konkurrencës | 4 |
11 | BI 302 | Project Management and Information Technology/Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit | 4 |
12 | ALB 131 | Albanian Language I/ Gjuhë Shqipe I | 4 |
Contact Person
For further information, please contact:
Besmira Lahi
Email: [email protected]
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