Program Name: Bachelor in Political Science/International Relations
Length of the Program: 3 years
Department of Political Science/International Relations
Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
Are you intrigued by the complex relations among nation-states and fascinated by the forces shaping our globalized world? The Political Science/International Relations Bachelor 3-year program with Profile in International Relations equips you to understand the intricate web of interactions that govern the relationships between countries, international institutions, and non-state actors. This program is more than just studying history or current events. Here, you will delve into the theoretical frameworks that underpin international politics, analyzing power dynamics, security concerns, economic interdependence, and the evolving global order. We value this new bachelor program to offer a unique possibility to Albanian students, by receiving a first-class international standard education at UNYT.
The Application Process for applying in the Bachelor Programs of UNYT is made possible through the U-Albania Portal in the pre-defined dates from the Ministry of Education.
(Every enrollment period we should add a customized calendar from U-Albania with the dates for each process. This is usually public in April)
All applicants should submit the following documents in order to complete the application process:
Application and Document Details
Arrange to have your high school certificate with your subject grades sent to [email protected]. If these documents are not in English, they must be sent with a certified English translation. For further information or any inquiries please contact us through WhatsApp: +355 69 408 9203
Upon successful completion of the Political Science/International Relations with profile in International Relations, the students will:
The students that finish this program degree have a wide range of possibilities and opportunities in the labor market. Our former graduates of this bachelor program have pursued successful careers in diplomacy such as ambassadors or consuls, in public administration such as directors and advisers of policy, in mass media, in international organizations, in multinational corporations, in security services or in NGOs. Some of our past alumni have secured job contracts while doing the internship as part of the mandatory curricula of this study program. Some of the international organizations where our former graduates have worked or actually work include World Vision, UNDP, Terre de Hommes Albania, Save the Children etc. While others have opted to work for foreign embassies in Albania.
The Bachelor program in Political Science/International Relations with profile in International Relations allows students to pursue further post-graduate studies in different disciplines. In the past, we have had our former graduates from this undergraduate program to continue further studies in disciplines such as international relations, comparative politics, commercial law, MBA, public policy, etc. On the other hand, some of our former graduates have pursued PhD studies in prestigious universities in the USA, UK, Belgium, etc., in political science or international relations, currently enjoying successful academic careers in these countries.
First-year/ First Semester | |||
1 | POL 101 | Classics of Political Thought (Klasikët e Mendimit Politik) | 8 |
2 | CS 102 | Computer Applications (Aplikime Kompjuterike) | 6 |
3 | MATH 103 | College Algebra (Algjebër Universiteti) | 6 |
4 | ENG 101 | Composition I – (Shkrim Akademik I) | 6 |
5 | Foreign Language I (Gjuhë e Huaj I) | 4 | |
First-year/Second Semester | |||
6 | IR 101 | Introduction to Mass Media and Communications (Hyrje në Masmedia dhe Komunikim) | 8 |
7 | IR 102 | Introduction to Sociology (Hyrje në Sociologji) | 6 |
8 | ENG 102 | Composition II – (Shkrim Akademik II) | 6 |
9 | HIST 102 | World History I (Histori Botërore I) | 6 |
10 | Foreign Language II (Gjuhë e Huaj II) | 4 | |
Second Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | POL 201 | Introduction to Political Science (Hyrje në Shkencat Politike) | 6 |
2 | IR 201 | Introduction to International Relations (Hyrje në Marrëdhëniet Ndërkombëtare) | 6 |
3 | IR 202 | Balkan Studies (Studime Ballkanike) | 6 |
4 | IR 203 | Discourse Analysis (Analizë e Ligjërimit) | 6 |
5 | Elective Courses in Department /Faculty Level | 6 | |
Second Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | POL 202 | Introduction to Comparative Politics (Hyrje në Politikë Krahasuese) | 8 |
7 | HIST 201 | Eastern Empires (Perandoritë e Lindjes) | 6 |
8 | HIST 202 | World History II (Histori Botërore II) | 6 |
9 | IR 208 | International Organizations (Organizatat Ndërkombëtare) | 6 |
10 | IR 299 | Internship (Praktika) | 4 |
Third Year/ First Semester | |||
1 | Elective course at the university level | 6 | |
2 | POL 301 | European Union: Structures and Institutions (Bashkimi Evropian: Strukturat dhe Institucionet) | 6 |
3 | IR 301 | International Law & Diplomacy (E Drejta Ndërkombëtare dhe Diplomacia) | 6 |
4 | IR 302 | Topics in Security Studies (Çështje të Studimeve të Sigurisë) | 6 |
5 | RMSS 333 | Research Methods in Social Sciences (Metodat e Kërkimit në Shkencat Sociale) | 6 |
Third Year/ Second Semester | |||
6 | Elective Course in University Level | 4 | |
7 | POL 306 | Democracy: Theory and Practice (Demokracia: Teoria dhe Praktika) | 6 |
8 | IR 306 | Party Politics and European Integration (Partitë Politike dhe Integrimi Evropian) | 6 |
9 | POL 302 | Ethnic Conflict and Nationalism (Konflikti Etnik dhe Nacionalizmi) | 6 |
10 | GP 399 | Graduation Project (Teza e Diplomës) | 8 |
1 | HIST 101 | History of the Albanian State/ Historia e Shtetit Shqiptar | 6 |
2 | LAW 220 | The Law, Politics and Religion/E Drejta, Politika dhe Feja | 6 |
3 | POL 320 | EU Health Issues/Çështje Shëndetësore në BE | 6 |
4 | PSY 310 | Developmental Psychology/Psikologjia e Zhvillimit | 6 |
5 | IR 222 | Islamic World/Bota Islame | 6 |
6 | PSY 101 | General Psychology (Psikologji e Përgjithshme) | 6 |
7 | POL 401 | Intro to Speech/Hyrje në Ligjëratë | 6 |
8 | MRKT 334 | Public Relations/Marrëdhënie me Publikun | 6 |
9 | PSY 301 | Social Psychology/Psikologji Sociale | 6 |
10 | IR 333 | Cultural Studies/Studime Kulturore | 6 |
1 | ALB 131 | Albanian Language I/ Gjuhë Shqipe I | 4 |
2 | TUR 131 | Turkish Language I/ Gjuhë Turke I | 4 |
3 | ALB 132 | Albanian Language II/ Gjuhë Shqipe II | 4 |
4 | TUR 132 | Turkish Language II/ Gjuhë Turke II | 4 |
5 | BIO 335 | Contemporary Health Issues/Çështje Bashkëkohore të Shëndetit | 4 |
6 | BIO 334 | Biology/Biologji | 4 |
7 | BIO 333 | Human Nutrition/Të Ushqyerit Njerëzor | 4 |
8 | LIT 333 | Classical and Contemporary Literature/Letërsi Klasike dhe Bashkëkohore | 4 |
9 | LIT 334 | Great Books/Libra të Mëdhenj | 4 |
10 | LAW 321 | The Right of Competition/E Drejta e Konkurrencës | 4 |
11 | ART 201 | Photography/Fotografia | 4 |
12 | BI 302 | Project Management and Information Technology/Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit | 4 |
Contact Person
For further information, please contact:
Ilir Kalemaj
Email: [email protected]
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