

Master of Science in Architecture


The Integrated Second Cycle Study Program Master of Science in Architecture is a five-year program offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - Department of Architecture and Design. It provides a comprehensive education in architectural principles, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills to prepare innovative architects for contemporary challenges.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the First Cycle Study programs is possible for any candidate who has successfully completed the Secondary Education and meets the average grade criterion set annually by the Council of Ministers decision in accordance with Article 74 of Law no. 80/2015 on 'Higher Education'.

Learning Outcomes

  • Cultivate creative skills and commit to ethical design practices and global engagement.
  • Develop collaborative skills and critical thinking to address real-world challenges, promote socially responsible design, and conduct scholarly research.
  • Prepare for professional practice with a holistic approach, emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration and lifelong learning in the dynamic field of architecture.

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation, students must earn a minimum of 234 ECTS credits. Once they reach this threshold, they are in a graduation position and may register for one additional course, regardless of their GPA. However, this additional course must fall within the maximum limit of 45 ECTS credits per semester.

Occupational Opportunities

An integrated master's in architecture offers diverse career paths, including licensed architectural roles in firms or government agencies. Graduates may specialize in urban planning, landscape architecture, or sustainable design. Unconventional opportunities such as scenography, industrial design, and academia are also open. With interdisciplinary skills, you'll be well prepared for dynamic roles in architecture and related fields.

Access to Further Studies

After completing an integrated master's in architecture, graduates can pursue specialized master's programs in several areas, such as sustainable design, urban design, historic preservation, or computational parametric design. The program opens up a range of future opportunities, including further study abroad. Interdisciplinary tracks in the arts, technology, international cooperation, or real estate development offer non-traditional paths. For those interested in research and scholarship, a Ph.D. offers advanced study options and positions in academia, research, or industry leadership.

Degree Program for the Local Integrated Second Cycle Study Program Master of Science in “Architecture”

First-year/ First Semester
1 ARCH 101 Basic Design - (Dizajn i Pergjithshëm) 8
2 ENG 101 Composition I - (Shkrim Akademik I) 6
3 CS 102 Computer Applications - (Aplikime Kompjuterike) 6
4 MATH 101 Calculus I - (Kalkulus I) 6
5 Foreign Language I - (Gjuhë e Huaj I) 4
First-year/Second Semester
6 ARCH 108 Introduction to Architecture - (Hyrje në Arkitekturë) 8
7 ENG 102 Composition II – (Shkrim Akademik II) 6
8 ARCH 106 History of Architecture, Art and Urban Design I (Histori e Arkitekturës, Artit dhe Dizajnit Urban I) 6
9 ARCH 107 Introduction to Architectural Design (Hyrje në Dizajn Arkitekturor) 6
10 Foreign Language II – (Gjuhë e Huaj II) 4
Second Year/ First Semester
1 ARCH 201 Architectural Design I - (Dizajn Arkitekturor I) 8
2 ARCH 202 Design Studio I - (Dizajn Studio I) 6
3 ARCH 203 History of Architecture, Art and Urban Design II (Histori e Arkitekturës, Artit dhe Dizajnit Urban II) 6
4 ARCH 204 Computer Aided Design - (Dizajn Kompjuterik) 6
5 GD 202 Graphic Design Communication - (Komunikim në Dizajn Grafik) 4
Second Year/ Second Semester
6 ARCH 206 Architectural Design II - (Dizajn Arkitekturor II) 8
7 ARCH 207 Design Studio II - (Dizajn Studio II) 6
8 ARCH 208 Technical Drawing - (Vizatim Teknik) 6
9 INTD 207 Introduction to Design Concepts (Hyrje në Konceptet e Dizajnit) 6
10 ARCH 303 Statics - (Statikë) 4
Third Year/ First Semester
1 ARCH 301 Architectural Design III - (Dizajn Arkitekturor III) 8
2 ARCH 302 Design Studio III - (Dizajn Studio III) 6
3 ARCH 305 Theories of Architecture, Art and Urban Design (Teoritë e Arkitekturës, Artit dhe Dizajnit Urban) 6
4 ARCH 304 Landscape Architecture - (Arkitekturë Peisazhi) 6
5 ARCH 209 Acoustics - (Akustikë) 4
Third Year/ Second Semester
6 ARCH 306 Architectural Design IV - (Dizajn Arkitekturor IV) 8
7 ARCH 307 Design Studio IV - (Dizajn Studio IV) 6
8 ARCH 308 Sustainable Environment - (Mjedis i Qëndrueshëm) 6
9 Elective Course at Department or Faculty level (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Departamenti) 6
10 INT 398 Internship I - (Internship I – Praktike I) 4
Fourth Year/ First Semester
1 ARCH 401 Architectural Design V - (Dizajn Arkitekturor V) 8
2 ARCH 402 Design Studio V - (Dizajn Studio V) 6
3 ARCH 403 Planning Studio - (Studio Planifikimi) 6
4 Elective course at University level (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti) 6
5 ARCH 404 Theory of Structures - (Teori Strukturash) 4
Fourth Year/ Second Semester
6 ARCH 406 Architectural Design VI - (Dizajn Arkitekturor VI) 8
7 ARCH 407 Design Studio VI - (Dizajn Studio VI) 6
8 INTD 406 Advanced Interior Design - (Dizajn Interier i Avancuar) 6
9 ARCH 408 Advanced Urban Planning - (Planifikim Urban i Avancuar) 6
10 INT 498 Internship II - (Internship II – Praktike II) 4
Fifth Year/ First Semester
1 RM 533 Advanced Research Methods (Metoda Kërkimore të Avancuara) 8
2 ARCH 501 Industrial Design - (Dizajn Industrial) 6
3 ARCH 502 Design Studio VII - (Dizajn Studio VII) 6
4 ARCH 598 Dissertation Seminar - (Seminar për Dizertacionin) 6
5 Elective course at University level (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti) 4
Fifth Year/ Second Semester
6 Elective course at University level (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Universiteti) 6
7 Elective course at Department or Faculty level (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Deparatamenti ose Fakulteti) 6
8 Elective course at Department or Faculty level (Lëndë me zgjedhje në nivel Deparatamenti ose Fakulteti) 6
9 GP 598 GRADUATION PROJECT - (Teza e Diplomës) 12

Elective Courses at Department /Faculty Level

1 CS 103 Hyrje në Shkenca Kompjuterike dhe Inxhinierike (Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering) 6
2 ARCH 211 Hyrje në të Menduar Dizenjues (Introduction to Designerly Thinking) 6
3 ARCH 311 Përdoruesi në Dizajnin Arkitekturor (User in Architectural Design) 6
4 TLCM 202 Elektronika dhe Logjika Digjitale (Digital Electronics and Logic) 6
5 PHYS 102 Bota Shkencore (Scientific World) 6
6 MATH 201 Matematikë Diskrete (Discrete Mathematics) 6
7 STAT 201 Statistikë I (Statistics I) 6
8 STAT 202 Statistikë II (Statistics II) 6
9 STAT 203 Probabilitet dhe Statistikë (Probability and Statistics) 6
10 GT 201 Teori Loje (Game Theory) 6

Elective Courses at the University Level

1 ALB 131 Albanian Language I (Gjuhë Shqipe I) 4
2 TUR 131 Turkish Language I (Gjuhë Turke I) 4
3 ALB 132 Albanian Language II (Gjuhë Shqipe II) 4
4 TUR 132 Turkish Language II (Gjuhë Turke II) 4
5 ART 201 Photography (Fotografi) 4
6 ART 202 Art History (Histori Arti) 4
7 IR 222 Islamic World (Bota Islame) 4
8 IR 334 EU and Balkan Studies (Studime te Bashkimit Europian dhe Ballkanit) 4
9 BIO 333 Human Nutrition (Te ushqyerit e Njeriut) 4
10 BIO 334 Biology (Biologji) 4
11 BIO 335 Contemporary Health Problems (Çeshtje Bashkekohore Të Shëndetit) 4
12 LAW 321 Competition Law (E Drejta e Konkurrencës) 4
13 BI 302 Project Management in IT (Menaxhim Projektesh në Teknologjinë e Informacionit) 4
14 PSY 310 Developmental Psychology (Psikologji Zhvillimi) 4
15 CS 310 System Administration (Administrim Sistemi) 4

Contact Person

For further information, please contact:

Alessandro Masoni
Email: [email protected]

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